Creating Prenuptial Agreements Today That Endure Tomorrow
A prenuptial agreement is a crucial document that protects your rights if the unexpected event of a divorce occurs. More and more today, couples are turning to prenuptial agreements as a way to keep certain assets separate and minimize conflict in a potential split.
If you are interested in drafting an airtight prenuptial agreement, JB Schwartz PLLC is the law firm for you. We can also represent you if you are considering a divorce and need to enforce your prenup. Our reputable legal team serves clients throughout Dallas County.
Our Detailed Approach Means Airtight Contracts
We take a detail-oriented and personalized approach to your prenuptial agreement. You will not simply sit down with a family law attorney who hands you a cookie-cutter document to sign. Our prenuptial agreement attorneys take the time to clarify you and your partners’ debts, define your individual responsibilities on income, itemize your household expenses and define your property rights. You can also address spousal maintenance (alimony) and the marital estate. With our considerable experience practicing contract law, you can rest assured that your prenuptial agreement will withstand the Texas courts.
Combining Marital Law With A Business Perspective
Our attorneys practice family law and divorce law as well as business law. This gives us considerable insight into how to approach your personal and business finances when drafting your prenup. Having handled numerous divorces involving business assets, we know how to draft cohesive contracts that identify clearly your separate and community business assets and protect your rights as a business owner, partner or shareholder.
Ask Our Dallas Attorneys About Prenups
Our prenuptial agreement lawyers at JB Schwartz PLLC have everything needed to handle your prenup. To schedule an initial consultation with us, please contact our Dallas law office. Call 214-347-8568 or send us an email to begin.